Saturday, July 6, 2019

#7 Coding Continues

Greetings people!

The results of the first evaluation were released last week, and I'm glad that I have passed to the next phase of the program, with a positive response from my mentors.

I was not able to do a lot of work in the past week, but I managed to implement constraints for 2 more classes, namely, CSGPrimitive and CSGSetOperator. I did face a bit of problem with CSGSetOperator initially as the XML was not being read properly. I figured it out as a problem in the SpatialParser.

The parent of the listOfCsgNodes element was being read as CSGObject but it should have been SCGSetOperator. CSGObject is usually the parent of CSGSetOperator. Thus it was accessing the parent of the parent and hence the problem. A simple deletion of the getParent() call (where it appears for the second time) did the fix.

As of now, only 6 classes remain to be implemented. I hope to complete the preliminary work by the end of the next week. After that, I'll start working on adding constraints by hand.

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